Torquing for Techs
Dear Swami, According to the local electrical inspector, I need a certified torque wrench to torque the lugs in our portable power...

What is a Megohmmeter?
have a new meter, and it goes to 11. It looks like an ohmmeter, and in a lot of ways it acts like an ohmmeter, and in fact, it is a type...

Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Apparatus
I was once working on a film set when a feeder transformer began behaving badly. A supplier had dropped off a generator and the...

SAFETY NOTICE from Neutrik
Neutrik's powerCON TRUE1 connector is taking over the entertainment lighting and audio industry. Most new products use the power...
AR Versus FR
In the 2015 edition of NFPA 70E: The Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, the reference to FR (flame resistant) clothing...

Expected Life of Electrical Equipment
How long should electrical equipment last? It depends, but the biggest factor is heat. Read the article by Dr. Svante August Arrher....

Remembering Agustin Briolini
One year ago today, 22-year-old Agustin Briolini was electrocuted during sound check at the Teatro del Sol in Carlos Paz, Argentina. In...

How Many More Have to Die? Part Two (and Three)
It's happened again. Two more innocent musicians have been electrocuted this year after having committed the crime of touching a guitar...

What's Inside of a 300KVA Feeder Transformer?
Have you ever wondered whta's inside of a feeder transformer? This one was humming loudly on a gig, so a technician was called out to...

Nature's Legislation
I just spent a good chunk of the morning signing papers saying that I cannot disclose certain information about the gig I was about to...